The Carnivore Diet and Diarrhea: A Rollercoaster of a Journey

The Carnivore Diet and Diarrhea: A Rollercoaster of a Journey
Photo by Jas Min / Unsplash

Imagine being on a rollercoaster. The thrill, the excitement, the unexpected turns. That's how I'd describe my journey with the carnivore diet—a thrilling ride with its fair share of ups and downs. And just like any rollercoaster, there were moments of sheer joy and moments where I questioned my life choices, particularly when it came to the... let's say, more 'explosive' side effects.

The Stutt Carnival Diet: An Unexpected Introduction

My introduction to the carnivore diet felt like stumbling upon a hidden ride at a carnival—the "Stutt Carnival Diet," if you will. It promised an exhilarating experience, a departure from the norm. And boy, did it deliver! But as with all thrilling rides, it came with its set of challenges.

Why Does the Carnivore Diet Cause Diarrhea?

As I enthusiastically embraced this meat-centric lifestyle, my digestive system had its own agenda. A sudden shift in diet can disrupt the delicate balance of gut flora, leading to digestive issues. Additionally, the carnivore diet's naturally higher fat content can be a shock to the system.

I remember thinking, "Surely, this too shall pass." But weeks went by, and the bathroom and I became inseparable companions.

Carnivore Diet Fat Malabsorption

During my six to seven-week tango with diarrhoea, I began to suspect fat malabsorption. The greasy stools, the stomach cramps—it all pointed to my body's initial struggle to digest the increased fat intake. It was a humbling experience, to say the least.

How Long Does Carnivore Diet Diarrhoea Last?

For some, it's a brief affair, lasting only a few days. For others, like yours truly, it's a prolonged ordeal. But as with all challenges, it offered an opportunity—a chance to understand my body better and adapt.

Upset Stomach on the Carnivore Diet

Beyond diarrhoea, there were days my stomach felt like it was hosting its mini carnival—complete with its own set of acrobatics. The high protein intake, combined with a lack of fibre, often left me feeling full and, at times, uncomfortable.

Navigating the Carnivore Rollercoaster

If you're considering hopping onto this ride, here are some tips from a fellow carnival-goer:

  1. Ease Into It: Don't rush. Take your time to transition, allowing your body to adjust.
  2. Mind Your Fats: If you suspect fat malabsorption, adjust your intake. Your body will thank you.
  3. Hydration is Key: With increased bathroom visits, staying hydrated becomes crucial.
  4. Seek Guidance: If the ride gets too bumpy, don't hesitate to consult a healthcare professional.

In conclusion, the carnivore diet, much like a rollercoaster, promises an adventure. It's thrilling, challenging, and not for the faint of heart. But with a bit of patience, understanding, and a good sense of humour, it's a ride worth taking. Hold on tight, and enjoy the journey!